Contributing to Zephyr vs (Linux and U-boot) – Parthiban Nallathambi, Linumiz

Contributing to Zephyr vs (Linux and U-boot) – Parthiban Nallathambi, Linumiz

With 4+ years of history, zephyr community is growing into next generation and de-facto RTOS for SoC’s without MMU (Microcontrollers). With open source, as contributors centric and plays the vital role in driving the technology, addition of new architecture support and bleeding edge features. This talk will details the process and guidelines of contribution to zephyr. Also compares the process with Linux Kernel and U-boot patching system and contribution methodology to share the insights. Provoking the mainlining/open source needs for Microcontrollers platforms with zephyr and shares the tips & tricks to get your patch merged faster with details about release cycles.

source by The Linux Foundation

linux foundation