Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

14 thoughts on “How to Configure Networks in ESXi Server

  • Thank you very much for this analysis, it was very well illustrated and clear. Good job!

  • Thank you so much. It was greatly helpful! I was wondering why my ports say VMs are N/A :)))) Thanks again

  • Very good budd, quick question I have a physical adapter assigned to 2 port groups ( management and VM's on vswitch0 and vkernelnic0 how can I add another physical adapter to this setup? the only option is to add it as an uplink but that is not what I want.
    So the objective is to have 2 different physical adapters connected to the same vswitch but not as an Uplink hope that makes sense


  • nice job- very well explained; thank you

  • hi can you tell what number off lan card i can use in free license. i mean how much 1,2 or 3 network card please tell me. thanks

  • how to setup network using pfsense, i want create vm for backend apps in private network with NAT and connected to internet from WAN and one vm with public access (web server), so when i want access my backend vm it must from web server as a jumper, i can't access backend vm directly via ssh from internet.

    how to config vsphere network like that Huda, thank you

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