How to Install and Configure DHCP Sever in Windows Server 2012 R2 | dhcp server windows
How to Install and Configure DHCP Sever in Windows Server 2012 R2 | dhcp server windows
What is Dhcp , How to install and configure
of DHCP server .
this video is based on Microsoft server 2012
Dynamic Host control protocol is a service which is
used to assign IP addresses dynamically or automatic
to your hosts,computers,mobiles or other client devices
installation and configuration process started with
adding roles and then in configuration manager we
created new scope beside scope its really important
to have default gateway to configure in order to get
internet . dhcp configured in server will be given
to clients.
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dhcp configuration
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How to Install and Configure DHCP Sever in Windows Server 2012 R2 | dhcp server windows
by Vit Academy
windows server dhcp