How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2012 R2
In this Video, Step by Step Demonstration is being done regarding Installing and Configuring Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2012 R2.
windows server 2012
Hello Anand Ji, my request to you, how many users can login at a time remotly,
Thanks for this useful tutorials, can I get link for Dns installation and configuration
Very useful video..
Hi there. Can you do me a paid service plz? I want to install and configure SSRS and allow multi RDP access to my server? Task will be done via Anydesk or team-viewer. Thank you 🙏
after configuration of RDS can more then 2 user login on same time . as normally it dont allow more than 2… please replay if any one have idea of this.. i am facing this issue as very big issue side more than 10 user needed same time to login Windows EC2 aws instance
Neat, clean and sensible explanation sir,,, no words…👌👌👌
And I want win server 2012 r2 total roles explanation in the same manner… please sir …
thanks for info, small piece of advise do not use this word "so" too often 🙂
thanks doctor very goooooood of your guide & tips
Good one, but you have not explained anything about Licensing requirements? it is just a basic one..!
You have solved my biggest problem, Don't have words, I will just say "I Love YOU"
Thank you for this video. It helps to learn about How to Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2012 R2. Click on to buy Annual Maintenance Support For Basic Configuration Services for LENOVO Server.
how to create remote user shortcut on desktop in Clint PC
Thanks for uploading useful video.we are able to used windows based dedicated server from and learned configuration by using these video
I like it.
nice presentation
Thanks. Very nice english any word perfectly understandable
Sorry, but am I missing something here, Why install web access it your not going to use it? why use mstsc(RDP) to remote access the server?
great ty
Nice video
Thanks for uploading useful video.we are able to use preinstalled cloud server from and learned configuration by using these video.
nice tutorial………it will educate abt local area RDC.
excellent . very userful video . I am using Windows2012 Dedicated Server rented from
Nice video with practical demo 🙂 Thanks Anand
doing vell
Great tutorial and as an Englishman your English is very good and understandable.
yoa are the BEST!! )