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How to Install and Configure Zimbra Mail Server Version 8 8 15 in a Single Server

Hello Tech Expert,
I have made a video with #Zimbra Mail Server on How to install and configure Zimbra Mail Server the Zimbra Collaboration Community edition on centos 8. step by step complete hands-on installation process with the DNS server in a single server.
YouTube Link:

Installation guide download link:


by Md Anwar Hossain

linux smtp server

21 thoughts on “How to Install and Configure Zimbra Mail Server Version 8 8 15 in a Single Server

  • Thank you so much for this video. I am looking complete Zimbra installation video on youtube but I can't find most of the video skipped DNS settings thankful to you boss for such a nice contribution. Excellent tutorial keep it up boss

  • how to create Local Dns Which will resolve my A record

  • Assalamualaikum bro I saw you videos all interesting

    Actually I have to understand one subject in my production environment I have DNS domain controller so my question is I need to deploy Zimbra with interaction with DNS server

  • The video is very helpful. Would you please demo high availability configuration on two servers?

  • hello
    i get this solution pleas
    service named restart

    Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart named.service

    Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code.

    See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

  • Is there a way to configure the eMail server to recall or make self-destructing email? Are there other free personal email servers that can do this?

  • IMAP did not enable in zimbra 8.8.5, Please help

  • Please make a video for Backup procedure from Primary server to Secondary server

  • thank you for the video, please how to configure spf, dkim and dmarc on the zimbra server?

  • First of all i am thanking you Anwar Bhai for such excellent video. I already installed DNS & zimbra mail server in a single server. i also enabled firewall port as per your instructions shown in previous video. But problem is here. One service is not running which name is dnscache. Can you please help me. My contact No : 01819 843072 or provide me your No.

  • It will be very helpful if you share the firewall configuration. I have confused with firewall/router which port/s should I forward to my mail server.

  • Hi, I want to create an email server for a small company with 50 email accounts, what kind of server do you suggest? Like what brand of rack server? or what type of specifications do i need to get the equipment?

  • After so many unsuccessful searches for a tutorial on Zimbra server installation on Centos 8, I came across yours; so there, it is only happiness! I don't think it has more than 2 tutorials dealing with Zimbra DNS server configuration. One more thank you infinitely

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