How to install Mojo and how to write first hello world program in MOJO programming language.

Welcome to Askfree! This is a complete comprehensive step by step guide on installing mojo, a new dynamic programming language that serves as a superset of python. If you don’t know about mojo you can see my dedicated video, “The complete introduction to Mojo” available on this channel.

The installation of Mojo is done with following steps:
1.Access the modular website and utilize commands to get the MOJO software development kit (Mojo SDK).
2.Efficiently Install the Mojo Command line Interface.
3.Install MOJO.
4.Configure paths and settings for proper functionality
5.Install Mojo extension in Visual studio code.
6.Set up paths and customize settings in VS code.
7.Dive into Mojo programming by writing your first “Hello world!” Program in Mojo.
8.Execute the file with command “mojo”.

Run command for MOJO file is “mojo file_name”

Guidelines for Running mojo program:
1.Verify a correct and complete installation of Mojo.
2.Be sure file is saved with necessary .mojo file extension.
3.To run your program in the Command Line Interface (CLI), press Enter twice after completing your code.
4.Double check that the file name is correct.
5.Please note that this installation guide is for linux operating system.

For an in-depth exploration and a solid foundation in Mojo programming, don’t miss my Mojo introduction video available on this channel.

checkout my video for mojo introduction:

Unlock the potential of Mojo programming, optimize your workflow, and create dynamic applications effortlessly! 🚀

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by Askfree

linux foundation

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