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[HOWTO] Setup AXIGEN Webmail Server on Ubuntu 14 TLS 64bit

This video will show you how to setup mail server using AXIGEN on Ubuntu server.
The installation process is simple and you can easily follow it.

What you need to prepare:
– Domain name and domain panel, me using
– Server, me using cloud from DigitalOcean
– Email for testing, me using
– Bitvise Tunnelier for SSH access from
– AXIGEN from

The Pros of AXIGEN:
1. Lite, loadtime less than 3secs
2. Beautiful UI
3. Ajax
4. Mobile Ready
5. Simple installation
6. Low spec requirements
7. Easy to configure

Cons are:
1. No feature for customization like Logo change, text, Title, Footer, layout/themes
2. Sometimes delay when fetching new email

Detail commands on Terminal:
1. wget
2. ls
3. chmod +x
4. apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6
5. cd /opt/axigen/bin
6. ./axigen-cfg-wizard

source by Lewi Verdatama

linux smtp server

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