NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSWindows serverwindows server dhcp

Install & configure DHCP server with Policies Step by Step

By setting up DHCP policies, we can provide granular control over scopes that will allow us to assign different IP addresses or scope options based on a new device type or its role. Policies are applicable for a specific scope with a defined processing order. Inside my scope, I’m going to go to where it says IPv4 and right click and choose to define vendor classes. It already has some pre-defined policies for things like Windows 2000, Windows 98, things like that. I’m going to click on add to create a new one. And I’m going to use this for my Nortel phones. This may be one of the times where you need to create a new class because no existing class is going to assist you in setting this up. Under the description I’ll put in desk phones. And in the ask E section, I’m going to put in what Nortel tells us to add in. This is one of the things that you’ll need to do as assist admin if you are managing DHCP. 07905914023


by toptimelko

windows server dhcp