Install Ubuntu LAMP Server 12.04 LTS into VirtualBox
Demonstrates installation of Ubuntu LAMP Server 12.04 LTS(Long Term Service) as a VirtualBox virtual server. LAMP, stands for Linux- the operating system core, Apache- the web server, MySQL,- a database that can be used with the web server, and PHP- a scripting language used to create web pages. The first step is configuring VirtualBox to create an Ubuntu LAMP server. Installing the server from an .iso file is next. Also included is updating the server using the apt-get command. Finally the operation of the Apache web server is verified by pointing a web browser from an Ubuntu desktop at the server.
If you want the latest kernel version for Ubuntu use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead of sudo apt-get upgrade.
For a good explanation of a LAMP web server see What is the LAMP Stack- “”
by babarehner
windows server dhcp