Installing ADFS on Windows Server 2012 R2

This video from ITFreeTraining will look at how to install Active Directory Federation Services. Check out for more of our always free training videos. The install requires a certificate. If you do not have certificate services installed, see our previous video on how to install Active Directory Certificate Services: Federation:

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Demonstration installing Active Directory Federation Services role
00:42 To start the install, open Server Manager by selecting the shortcut in the quick launch bar.
00:50 From the Server manager home screen, select the option Add roles and features.
00:58 Skip the welcome screen and on installation type select Role-based or feature-based installationand press next.
01:04 On the select destination server screen, select the server that you wish to install the role on and press next. In this case the server ITADFS2012R2.ITFreeTraining.local was selected.
01:12 On the select server roles screen select the option Active Directory Federation Services and press next.
01:24 On the select features screen, no additional features are required so press next to continue.
01:30 The AD FS home screen contains information about AD FS, press next to continue.
01:40 At the confirm installation selection screen press install to install the role. Demonstration requesting and installing a certificate
02:04 To request a certificate from an Enterprise CA, right click the start menu and select run. Enter in the run box mmc and press ok.
02:30 For the certificate management, select Add/Remove snap-in from the file menu.
02:35 From the list of snap-ins select the certificate snap-in and press add.
02:44 You will then be prompted for the scope for the certificate snap-in. Since the certificate will be used by the server, the option for computer account needs to be selected and press next.
02:55 On the select computer screen leave it on the default option of Local computer and press finish and then o.k to complete the wizard.
03:05 If you open the Personal container, this will show all the certificates that are currently installed on that server.
03:13 Certificate is not present and needs to be requested. The default view is not the best view to request the certificate with. To change the view, right click on the container Personal and select options under the view menu. Refresh the view if the option is not present.
03:30 The default mode will be Logical certificate stores. Change this to Certificate purpose and press o.k.
03:45 Select the container Server Authentication, right click it and select the option Request New Certificate under all Tasks.
04:05 On the certificate enrollment wizard, press next to skip the welcome screen.
04:09 The Select Certificate Enrollment Policy screen will ask which enrollment policy you want to use. It is possible to create multiple enrollment policies, however in this case the default enroll policy Active Directory Enrollment Policy will be selected and next pressed.
04:56 The new screen will ask which template will be used to create the certificate. In previous videos the ADFS SSL Certificate template was created. In this case it will be selected and the button enroll pressed. Windows Server will now renew the certificate as required using auto enrollment.
05:30 To complete the wizard press finish and the certificate will be added to the container Server Authentication and MMC can be closed.

Demonstration Configuration Active Directory Federation Services
05:38 To configure the Active Directory Federation Services role, select the exclamation mark at the top of Server Manager and select the option Configure the federation service on this server. 05:53 On the welcome screen of the configuration wizard there is an option to configure the farm options for the server. The default option Create the first federation server in a federation server farmwill create a new farm with only that Federation server in it. If you an existing Federation Server Farm and want to add this server to that Federation’s server farm, select the second option Add a federation server to a federation server farm. In previous versions of Active Directory Federations Servers, there was an option for stand-alone, in Windows Server 2012 R2 this option is no longer available.
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References Windows Server 2012: Group Managed Service Accounts

windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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