NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSWindows serverwindows server dhcp

Mikrotik CRS-305 – 10G Switch impressions and basic setup

I just got this Mikrotik switch and I think it’s currently the best option if you need a small amount of 10G ports. Its superior build quality combined with this low price point and its passive cooling is topped with an excellent RouterOS that is super feature rich.

In this video I’m showing you how to do a basic uplink configuration with VLAN.

00:00 CRS305 Specs
02:56 Basic VLAN setup
07:28 IP Addresses
09:18 VLAN Filtering
10:12 Other considerations

Affiliate Links:
CRS-305 (CRS305-1G-4S+IN) 4 Port 10G

CRS 309 (CRS309-1G-8S+IN) 8 Port 10G

CRS 317 (CRS317-1G-16S+RM16) Port 16G


by junicast

windows server dhcp vlan

2 thoughts on “Mikrotik CRS-305 – 10G Switch impressions and basic setup

  • Sir

    if one port has poe capabilty
    then how it works on 1G

    technical concept

    for 1G interface all 8 wire need to communicate

    in poe four wire are reserved for supply

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