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My Favourite Way To Make Websites

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0:00 – I’m not a web dev
1:27 – How I made the old website
2:27 – The biggest problem with the old site
3:42 – Basically how the web works
4:23 – Static site generators
6:31 – Hugo – my favourite static site generator
7:39 – Full process: making a website with Hugo

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by The Cherno

linux web server

25 thoughts on “My Favourite Way To Make Websites

  • What do you guys think? What’s your favourite way to make websites?

    Also don’t forget to check out Hostinger's BLACK FRIDAY SALE, on now until December 3rd!! Use coupon code CHERNO for a bigger discount ►

  • Yh i can understand your simple approach. But as a developer, I would still recommend something like Java Spring/boot in combination with a frontend framework like vue (react is overkill, angular in between) not because it i needed or because you would be faster (you are not), but you will learn alot and grow as developer.

  • Thanks! I find myself in the position where I "need" to create a website for friends and family. WordPress and the likes are almost always overkill and the use a free/cheap template is always more work because of changes needed.

  • This is very good to know about. I wanted something cheap and basic and was doing an HTML template like you and as a dev was annoyed with the code duplication. It's nice to know there's a small step up with static site generators.

    And I've been using hostinger and it's been fine too.

  • I gave hugo a shot a while back, and the thing that pushed me away was the templating syntax. It's based on golang templates, and honestly, it's the most annoying and confusing template syntax I've ever seen.

    I recently tried Astro and I find it much more approachable, flexible, and easy-to-use. It has niche features like server-side rendering (should you need it), as well as the ability to include components from other frontend JS frameworks. It has a JSX-like syntax, which I'm also not in love with, but for anyone that's done web UI, it should feel like home (and it's way better than golang tempaltes).

  • For static websites, I think hosting on github pages is even simpler, and free. Not sure about the limitations though.

  • Finally ! A video that gives information that will eventually make us money. These WordPress developers some of us despise are making hell amount of money with just a little effort. ( Haven't watched the video yet )

  • Please remove the border from the navbar on the hazel website, or make it only bottom border. Was the first thing that caught my eye. Other than that, interesting video!

  • Hugo is a Static Site Generator. Others include Eleventy, Astro, Jekyll, SvelteKit, Gatsby, Next.JS, Nuxt.JS, Hexo, Gridsome, Metalsmith, Pelican.

  • so, just rename your old site html files to php, then where there is the header, select all, and replace with <?php include 'inc/header.php';?> and create that header.php with just the html of the header. same for footer, upload to server and that's it.

  • Cloudflare pages will host a static webpage for free

  • This might look like an ad for Hostinger but it's actually a recruitment ad for botnets. You just told a bunch of people that, going by your content, might not deal that much with infrastructure, to get a VPS that is not secured at all to host a static website. I get it, hostinger wanted you to shill their VPS service and I'm not gonna recommend an alternative that is cheaper and more respected because that's not the issue I'm having here but I do have issues. If anybody follows this "tutorial" you have, from a software development perspective alone, literally a "testing in production" situation, no storage that is independent of your production instance, no version control or anything like this. And all of this is happening on an unsecured VPS. Weak ass shit root password, no ssh configs changed, no less dangerous user is being created, no firewall is setup (ubuntu has UFW! Can't get easier than this) no fail2ban so every script kiddy can brute force your shit and you won't even notice. You can get a fully managed web hosting solution that provides you with a free domain, SSL (keep in mind that browser will complain if you don't have SSL. It looks scary to the normal user even if you only host static stuff), at least one email address to your domain, a few GB of storage and an SFTP account. Realistically, you get everything you need for wordpress but you don't want wordpress so databases and PHP is irrelevant but will be there as well. And you can get this for like 2€ where I live (at a globally respected hosting company).

    Combine this with github private repositories and github actions and you're golden. At most hosting companies I know you could very easily even get a testing instance. Not at Hostinger though! They do have a webhosting product but it's 10$ when not on sale and only allows for one website and it doesn't even give you privacy protection on that domain for that price.

  • Hello,
    This is kinda wierd, but its me the author of the gameengine you reviewed. I have worked in the last week 5-10 hours a day learning CMake and acutally implementing this structure you told me, and it's now (mostly) finished i'd appreciate it if you can look at this in a new episode as i spent almost 50-60 hours the last week juist implementing that, i think it would be also good for other people . I've also updatet the readme 🙂

    If you plan to do this please consider a old project wont work anymroe as i did alot of changing stuff

  • I saw the thumbnail and title and thought: "this has got to be video about Hugo" lol

  • Good job. Thank you for not recommending something php based.

  • Besides markdown, what is the advantage over simply `cat` ing some html bits with a build script? I wouldn't learn a framework just for that.

  • I was waiting for squarespace ad. Not gonna lie.

  • Sometimes I think things get overcomplicated because people don't really know the tools they already have! This case seems to boil down to two separate "things" that you're looking for: 1) some nice template HTML/CSS as a starting point which already has all the nice design and bells sorted out for you; and 2) some dependency management tool to insert you content into the former, as well as helping to avoid code/content duplications.

    Regarding the latter, as an long-time C and C++ developer, I've been thinking about just using the C pre-processing (cpp) for the customization and include part, while make is as simple as it gets for building the HTML files. Dependency management is what make was made (!) for, after all. You can wrap it in a GUI like VSCode if you're so inclined, but it's basically doing the same thing.

  • I'm biased towards PHP. Even if I have a single PHP file (that does the includes) and rest HTML, probably would have been simpler than HUGO. But maybe HUGO adds more than a simple "include"

  • I really tried to like HUGO, but I ended up going back to WordPress purely because my blog mind cannot deal with any kind of IDE like software when writing. WordPress and the WYSIWYG editor really does help me think about how I want things to look.

  • The advantages of static web makers is more about the writing aid, and the templating.
    If it's just for Include functions, Apache has been able to do Server Side Include for over 20 years 🙂 I'm sure nginx can too. And it can include other html files of course, but also other things like current date, variables and conditions, or even bash output if you're brave enough to allow it 😉

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