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Options Field of IPv4 Header || Lesson 78 || Computer Networks || Learning Monkey ||

Options Field of IPv4 Header

In this class, we will try to understand the concepts of the Options Field of IPv4 Header.

We have already discussed all the mandatory fields of IPv4 in our previous classes.

Options Field of IPv4 Header

The options field is dynamic.

In data transmission, the IPv4 packet may or may not have an option.

IPv4 packets can accommodate more than one option.

The structure of the option is as shown below.

The first 8 bits of the option will decide the type of option.

The following 8 bits decide the size of the option. With that, we can know where the “option” ends.

After the size, the actual data for the options start.

In this way, an IPv4 packet can accommodate multiple options.

Record Route Option

For better understanding, we will try to understand the Record Route option.

The network administrator uses this option.

The network administrators use this option to get the IP address of routers through which the packet is transmitted.

Let’s consider the network as shown below.

After reaching the first router from the source, the router will insert its IP address in the options field.

Similarly, the second and third routers will also insert their IP address in the options field.

Now the destination will know the IP addresses of all the routers.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.