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PowerShell | Hyper-V | Create VM – Assign Access vlan – Set CPU

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Commands used;

$NameOfVM = “TESTVM01”
$SwitchName = “Switch”
$PathToStoreConfigs = “D:Hyper-V”
$PathForVHDX = “D:Hyper-VVHDTESTVHD01.vhdx”

#CREATE Virtual Machine
New-VM -Name $NameOfVM -MemoryStartupBytes 4GB -Generation 2 -SwitchName $SwitchName -Path $PathToStoreConfigs -VHDPath $PathForVHDX

#set processor count to 2
Set-VMProcessor $NameOfVM-Count 2

#Assign VLAN 100
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $NameOfVM -VlanId 100 -Access


by Scripting Tips

windows server dhcp vlan

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