43 thoughts on “Ram usage on windows compared to Linux

  • Yes, Linux doesn't knows how use your RAM

  • i dont want to read all the comments but there are probably gentoo users with dwm that have under 100mb

  • Tbf the main benefit of windows is really simple….we dont have to try to understand that

  • Usde by what???? My chrome or FF on linux may use almost all memory

  • from experience, ubuntu uses more ram and cpu than windows 10

  • Me being a simple monkey – I MUST HAVE THE PRETTY BUTTONS I CAN CLICK ON!

  • I do legitimately wish windows would just make a lightweight version of their OS.

  • My old i3 second gen with 8gb ram started working when i switched to Linux ❤

  • my games still run like ass in linux if they run at all… so… the thing I use a computer for Linux does not really do very well. Some games are native, but be real about it. The best chance for a new pc game to work is to own windows. shrug I have used linux and wish it was more useful for my purpose.

  • Ram is cheap. I paid less than 150$ for 64gb.

  • I don't use Linux but that difference of Ram usage is ridiculous.

  • I've been using both Windows and Linux for a very long time in dual-boot. I tried Mint, then Ubuntu, then I went to Arch but one thing remained same: on Linux, something always wouldn't work. Sometimes it wouldn't allow me to tweak NVidia driver settings (Linux does not go well with Nvidia), sometimes audio would go off because of a random wireplumber update, sometimes the soft I needed would not compile on my machine for whatever reasons, sometimes soft just is not available for Linux and its closest open-source analogue is not maintained for 10 years straight…
    In the meanwhile, I found 2 problems with Windows: RAM consumpition (eventually I had to install 16 GB) and WinAPI being terrible for programming. That's it. All the other things just work.

  • It will be for you, I have Windows on a tablet with 1.5GB of ram and with the browser open (414MB) it consumes 1.2GB = 786MB

  • I have 64 gigs of RAM and Windows 11 uses 9 gigs when idle 💀

  • Yo uso windows 10 y me consume 500mb , con drivers y funcional

  • RAM capacity is almost never the bottleneck nowadays. It was relevant 20 years ago, before widespread use of 64-bit.

  • Linux is certainly better in lots of things compared to Windows, but the RAM usage argument is just stupid.

    Windows does lots of caching and it's NOT a bad thing. Even though it is using more RAM, it doesn't mean that the used memory can't be handed over to other applications should they require it.

    A fun thing I noticed a while back is that when you close an application which used a lot of memory, you can notice how the memory usage suddenly drops below the value it was before opening it. That's approximatively the RAM used by Windows, which is usually around 1GB.

  • Unused RAM is quite literally pointless. Windows loads things in RAM to give you better performance when clicking on files and navigating, if you pull up something like a game or other things, it'll scales back what it has pre-loaded to compensate.

  • for each problem a solution, i use windows a lot more but well, yesterday or so i wanted to play minecraft on my notebook and just couldnt because it was lagged af then i installed linux mint and it was smooth af, so thats it…

  • You should've run a headless Debian machine, the RAM usage on that is like 1000kb.

  • eu 30 minutos procurando embaixo onde fica q parte q diz a memória ram, sendo que tava la encima

  • 800MB is still a lot of usage for an idle linux machine of my taste

  • Just use a modified windows build lowers it by a lot. And i want to play games and not use the shitstain called wine.

  • Try uh gentoo with ur own super minimal kernel while using dwm, it takes less than 40 mb


  • The RAM usage by the OS decreases as applications request more RAM (on Windows). Since it costs effectively the same amount of electricity if the RAM is used or isn't used there is nothing inherently wrong with using it.

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