Rust 1.75.0: 54 highlights in 20 minutes

**NOTE: I’m releasing this video early, so Rust 1.75.0 may not actually be released for a few more hours!!!** New changes Rust 1.75.0! Visit https://ultimaterustcourses.com for Ultimate Rust Crash Course and other Rust courses!

Rust 1.75.0 Blog Post – https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/12/28/Rust-1.75.0.html
Announcing async fn and return-position impl Trait in traits – https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/12/21/async-fn-rpit-in-traits.html
Option “Representation” documentation – https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/#representation
Atomic documentation – https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/

0:00 Intro
0:11 1. async fn and return-position impl Trait in Traits
2:17 2. Pointer byte offset APIs
3:01 3. Code layout optimizations for rustc
3:17 4. Allow function pointer signatures to contain &mut T in const contexts
3:40 5. Match usize/isize exhaustively with half-open ranges
4:57 6. Guarantee char has same size and alignment as u32
5:11 7. Null pointer has the 0 address
5:24 8. Allow partially-moved values in match
6:07 9. Document non-compliant floating-point behavior on 32-bit x86 targets
6:25 10. Stabilize ratified RISC-V target features
6:42 11. Negative coherence properly consider impls that only partly overlap
7:02 12. Deny-by-default coinductive_overlap_in_coherence
7:22 13. Consider alias bounds when computing liveness in NLL
7:36 14. Add V (vector) extension to the riscv64-linux-android target spec.
8:00 15. Automatically enable cross-crate inlining for small functions
8:10 16. Three New Tier 3 Targets
8:56 17. Waker::clone_from avoids unnecessary clones
9:14 18. Implement BufRead for VecDeque{u8}
9:21 19. Implement FusedIterator for DecodeUtf16 when the inner iterator does
9:40 20. impl Not, Bit{And,Or}{,Assign} for IP addresses
10:08 21. Implement Default for ExitCode
10:17 22. Guarantee representation of None in NPO
10:38 23. Document when atomic loads are guaranteed read-only
10:59 24. Better document effects of recursive thread local storage initialization
11:14 25. Support sub-millisecond sleep on Windows 10+
11:25 26. Fix reverse searching after calling str::split_inclusive
11:41 27. Fix exit status on non-Unix cfg(unix) platforms
11:58 Stabilized APIs
12:02 28. Atomic*::from_ptr
12:19 29. File time struct, trait, and methods.
13:00 30. IpAddr::to_canonical & Ipv6Addr::to_canonical
13:20 31. Option::as_slice & Option::as_mut_slice
13:32 Const Stabilized APIs
13:39 32. Ipv6Addr::to_ipv4_mapped
13:54 33. MaybeUninit::assume_init_read & MaybeUninit::zeroed
14:17 34. mem::discriminant
14:27 35. mem::zeroed
14:36 Cargo Changes
14:40 36. Add new packages to [workspace.members] automatically
14:52 37. Allow version-less manifests
15:13 38. Print the generated docs links
15:22 39. Make browser links out of HTML file paths
15:37 40. Print environment variables for build script executions with -vv
15:48 41. Rustdoc accepts less invalid Rust
16:03 42. Show enum discriminant if it is a C-like variant
16:36 Compatibility Notes
16:40 43. FreeBSD targets now require at least version 12
16:50 44. All MIPS targets dropped to Tier 3 support
17:13 45. invalid_alignment lint promoted to an error
17:21 46. Fix detecting references to packed unsized fields
17:38 47. Compiler plugin support removed
17:47 New Clippy Lints
17:55 48. unused_enumerate_index
18:09 49. unnecessary_fallible_conversions
18:30 50. waker_clone_wake
18:42 51. struct_field_names
19:03 52. into_iter_without_iter
19:20 53. iter_without_into_iter
19:37 54. manual_hash_one
19:55 Outro

Visit https://ultimaterustcourses.com for Ultimate Rust Crash Course and other Rust courses!

source by Nathan Stocks

linux foundation

17 thoughts on “Rust 1.75.0: 54 highlights in 20 minutes

  • Is it just me, or is the 1.75 build seriously faster than 1.73? It's building at the speed I've come to expect from the latest golang compilers.

  • Great video 😀 Thanks for taking the time to work through this for us every time! Your description of the usize range thing is mistaken however: there are never any numbers bigger than usize::MAX, and an if condition wasn't required. Let me try and explain.

    You're correct that `usize::MAX` has different values on different platforms. So the range `0..=4294967295` covers all possible usize values on 32-bits platforms, but not on 64-bits platforms. To make code portable, rustc considers `0..=4294967295` as non-exhaustive even if you're working on a 32-bit platform. That's the reason for usize/isize weirdness.

    Now `0..=usize::MAX` morally should always match all possible values, but for implementation-specific reasons it's treated more like `0..=4294967295` above so it's not treated as exhaustive either. I wish we could fix that but that seems hard.

    The final piece is that on 1.74.0, the range `0..` was desugared to `0..=usize::MAX`, so

    match x {
    0..=5 => foo(),
    6.. => bar(),

    was treated like

    match x {
    0..=5 => foo(),
    6..usize::MAX => bar(),

    which errors with "ERROR: non-exhaustive, add a `_` arm". You had to write:

    match x {
    0..=5 => foo(),
    6.. => bar(),
    _ => unrechable!(),

    to make it compile (no if required!). With 1.75.0 the range `0…=usize::MAX` is still weird, but now `0..` behaves as expected! Hope that clarifies things!

  • Are you sure you are allowed to use the rust logo next to you?

  • So CI gets 3.5x faster build time 😎🤓

  • Love how comprehensive this video is on all the new features! Fantastic work!

  • hey look it's my plushies 🦀! (that's what made me click)

    also, really good + clear video — content prep and editing must take ages.
    how long do you spend on prep (research, slides + sentences), recording, and editing?

  • Thanks for the great update overview! subbed

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