21 thoughts on “Sending Email using Python in 5 statements

  • The only problem now is that my anti-virus keeps adding statements to the mail i send 😢

  • hey dude,actually i tried it but i am getting an error i am trying to fix it but no use please tell me how to fix it.this is the error:TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.please tell me how to fix it

  • how much time u gonna mention that u gonna change the password 🤣🤣😂😂.Quite hilarious

  • thanku bhai @naveen sir with out your help i couldn't complete my friends project .. once again thanking u sir heart fully

  • Please do video's on all libraries in python and how to use and where to use

  • Thanks for the tutorial man but sadly now google has turned off the less secure app access option so i cant send emails from python🙁 pls help

  • If at your work, you've developed a python web scrapping, and you want to setup an email alert/notification if the web scrapping program fails. How you develop an email alert/notification?

  • nice, i was also getting error while sending the mail, then i created a 16 digit application specific password and it worked. through this i don't have to enable less secure app access!!

  • Please tell us some project ideas that we do for implementing python in real….and also for resume

  • I dont think this video is not valid anymore.
    From May 30, 2022, ​​ ​​Google no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices. so you can enable that "less secure option anymore" in settings anymore.

  • I'm building an automated game bot. Is it possible to have the program email you as part of an IF statement?

    In my case, it would be neat to have the program notify me if a valuable piece of gear or loot dropped.

  • it is not working that option is not available currently google has removed it what should i do now ?

  • Less secure app access: this setting is no longer available

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