Tattered DeLorean DMC-12 FULL Body Work Repair! | Wheeler Dealers | Edd China

We got an old shabby and battered DeLorean DMC-12 begging to be brought back to its prime! I address the dented stainless steel bodywork and worn-out wheels. This is my best attempt at a cost-effective repair on a broken rear louver panel using fiberglass and polyurethane foam.

Want to watch more clips from Wheeler Dealers? Find them here:

Wheeler Dealers – From Season 8 Episode 7 : The hunt for a DeLorean is on! One of the most recognisable and distinctive cars ever made. Can Edd restore this iconic car and maximise their profit?

Wheeler Dealers – Automobile enthusiasts embark on a mission to restore various cars to their original condition and sell them to a new owner.

Hi, I’m Edd, and welcome to my channel! Here you will find clips and full episodes of my show Workshop Diaries, produced with the help of my crew of production pixies. Make sure to subscribe to be notified of new uploads.

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36 thoughts on “Tattered DeLorean DMC-12 FULL Body Work Repair! | Wheeler Dealers | Edd China

  • Is this channel now only going to be old rehashed WD videos? no new content?

  • Watching eds subscriber count drop is nice.

  • Some 9ne is tring to make money from old videos not doing edd any favours

  • There are some great mysteries in life, like, what has happened to Edd China, and how on earth did this old episode of WD get 1.5K likes? Beats me.

  • No new content for over a year, bar the pure advertisements on selling a boat and the promotion of some electronics refurb company.

    Still waiting for the video of you acid dipping the Range Rover, a comment you made now at least 3 months ago when you made a quick return to your otherwise dead channel. 👎👎👎

  • I remember this episode. At the time, I was wondering if anyone else would ever try to build another production car out of stainless steel alloy. Fast forward many years, we now have Tesla Cybertruck, which uses a completely different grade of alloy which is supposedly much much stronger than this.

  • WD vids are fantastic, they are the reason for me following this channel on YT. But please for the LOVE OF GOD man, COMMUNICATE with your fanbase! What is happening!? Are you stricken with illness? Have you started a lucrative Hollywood-career? Did the cost of Workshop diaries outweigh the income generated? Maybe you are just overwhelmed by life as we all are at times? No matter the reason for the lack of new content, EVERY SINGLE ONE of your fans will understand as soon as you explain it to us. C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-I-O-N. Please Sir.

  • A general point about working with composites: mixed resin (whether epoxy or polyester) generates heat once activated with hardener, so if you're in a warm climate, don't leave the mixed stuff in a cup or deep container.

    Doing so will concentrate the heat and cause the resin to gel and harden before you can use it. Polyester is worse than epoxy in this respect because the mixing ratio is less critical than epoxy; it's tempting to add a bit more hardener than recommended 'just to be sure it sets'.

    In extreme situations mixed resin in a deep container can go 'exothermic' and become smoking hot. It's not just wasteful – it can be pretty scary, too.

    To avoid this, tip the resin from the deep mixing cup onto a plate or saucer. Once spread out the heat can escape and the resin will remain usable for much longer.

    If you're doing minor jobs with cheap fibreglass, wasted materials may not be a big deal to you, but if you're working with carbon-fibre cloth, aramid [kevlar] and epoxy, a failed 'mix' can cost hundreds of quid.

  • I love the old content. I also love seeing Edd & Mike working together. They were a great team. Hopefully one day we’ll see them working together again. 🤞

  • Why are you posting old videos? Please produce some new videos instead

  • How about you coming back explaining what makes electric cars tick how to digest repair fix problems the market is crying out for help Keep safe .

  • O Dear more repeats 😖😖 love to know why Edd not doing fresh stuff is that rover getting rebuilt?

  • I'm glad I'm not a Patreon or sponsor. If I want repeats, i'll watch the episode on TV.

  • Thanks Edd, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope you have a great one and we are all looking forward to some new full episodes from your WorkShop Diaries!

  • Onde assistir esse episódio completo, que foi um dos melhores?

  • I taught myself how to do that back in the 1970's because I had a 1975 Camaro with a front spoiler that loved to find parking blocks. Instead of foam I would use stiff pressboard for backing and used rasps for initial shaping before finish sanding. Skills that served me well repairing fiberglass panels on motorcycles and Corvettes.

  • Anything Edd does is instantly ruined when that fat, fatuous, mouth-on-a-stick, leeching used-car salesman Mike Brewer oozes onto screen, bullying and hectoring the talent. You know how Syd Little was an untalented, unfunny foil for Eddie Large, and Ernie Wise was just plain embarrassing without Eric Morecambe? Well that's Mike Brewer.

  • Love to know where you can get alloys refurbished for £50 a corner, just been quoted £250 each

  • Wasn't the body or atleast one of the earlier/later models made out of Aluminum?

  • Thought this Channel was Edd China and new projects, not old Wheeler Dealers!

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