Ubuntu Touch: Be Part of the Revolution

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We live in a world that is rapidly taking away one of our core values: ‘freedom of choice’. Freedom does not exist without real choice. This especially applies for the part that is quickly becoming more and more central in our lives – our mobile devices. These are not designed with our best interests in mind, but yet they are so essential in the way we now conduct our lives. The mobile market is dominated by a few big companies who, in return for our data–how, where and what we communicate–let us use their services and make us dependent. These companies control the complete chain, from manufacturers to employees, from telecom providers to subcontractors, from developers to end-users. One way or another, it will affect you.

We firmly believe in an open, transparent and secure world. Where you can choose which mobile platform you want to use, independent of the hardware you buy. Where you can choose how and which data you want to share with whom, without making concessions. In a world where there is freedom of choice at every level; manufacturers should have the choice to pick their components without any limitations, developers shouldn’t have to worry about censorship or the powerful agendas of monopolies and users must always be in charge of their online identity.

We want to make available a new option for everyone: a beautiful, free and open source mobile operating system. We believe that the timing is right with the dominance of the mobile market combined with its lack of choice for the end user. The complete chain is ready to join forces and shift back towards freedom of choice. Now is the time to get involved. By working together we can start a revolution that will result in a healthy regime change which puts the control back in the people’s hands.

We need your help to achieve this. Join our growing community of volunteers and passionate people across the world and support the Foundation.

Help in whatever way you can: and be part of this exciting revolution!

The choice is yours,
Ubuntu Touch


46 thoughts on “Ubuntu Touch: Be Part of the Revolution

  • Redmi note 8 gingko not on list

  • Thanks for including MS in the mobile market. This video is probably the only place I've seen them mentioned including all the years when they still had a mobile OS.

  • I didn't realize how freedom affects me until I saw trump is banned.

  • Due to the monopoly of android and ios, companies are not going to make apps for open source linux. I requested one of the cab companies to make app for open source linux and they sent me email on how to use app on android phone properly. Anbox is not the solution as it is simply too heavy on resources. Users require native apps on open source linux and only then it will be a game changer!

  • Please for galaxy tab a sm-t280

  • Anyone Install ubuntu touch on Samsung note 10? Or not yet. I just want to remove spy Google..

  • we need mainstream apps support… without those is imposible for us to migrate


  • I agree with everything in this video. My only issue is how Canonical Ltd. get the specifications to allow the installation of Ubuntu Touch on any tablet or phone? Samsugng, LG, Nokia, Asus etc…

  • This Ubuntu Touch should be ported to feature devices where KaiOS is leading right now!

  • I will be in contact shortly. The revolution is coming!

  • I have been looking for an alternative option so I could throw out my old saggy ass iPhone 6S Max. Looked at the Pinephone, that could be it.

  • I was directed here from the official website because it seemed interesting, and I was excited to see you had an official Youtube link on the website, and I gotta say I was really hoping this was a product demonstration, I want to see the software in action, don't ask me to join a revolution in abstract 3D graphics, show me why this is the right tool for me to use.

  • I really like what you're doing and i like to help
    but i'm still a junior developer, and i can't donate cz i'm still a student without a job
    how can i help

  • I have been looking at Purism products for a while now and considered what I would need to switch my workflow over to Linux. Unfortunately, not that much but the stuff that I need is very, very big. Accessibility.
    I am visually impaired and I need a much proper screen magnification. Already sent an email to the GNOME Mailing list but the only response I got was someone who clearly didn't understand my query, likely due to language constraints, which I have myself as I am German, thus not a native english speaker. I really want to see Linux succeed more in the consumer market, but there is just too much missing; ease of use would be one of them. Like, I can't just drop a Linux maschine on a friend and tell him to use it, because the first things he will ask is: How do I get WhatsApp working? That would mean that an Android compatibility layer wound need to exist. And on the desktop side; gaming did improve a lot with Proton and Wine…but unfortunately, it's current "state" is WinXP compatibility (or Server 2003) – which means that it is quite hard to get modern games to "just work"… Or tools like SAI are hard to impossible to get working too.
    Stuff like this, where the possibility is there but the reachability for a novice user is just impossibly far away, really prohibits this aproach. It is unfortunate – but also an unfortunate fact.

    Also, criticism. "Revolutionizing the regime"? Really? XD I am sorry but I really dont feel like this type of wording fits a video or branding like this. I mean, are we gonna get the pitchforks out and ram them up the top three's butt or what ^^; The video is great but some of the choice of wording sounds…overkill, to say the least. I get what they are supposed to mean, but they still sound a little bit out there o.o

  • Shame I can't put it on my old windows phone to test run it.

  • i'm in ! but unfortunately i'm quite helpless…. I cant do anything with my pinephone so far…

  • The irony is that Android is about as open-source as it can get, and its foundation is Linux.

  • make this OS work in any device!

  • I do wish that Ubuntu Touch would work on 2019 modern flat screen smartphones ………and EVEN iPhone 10 – iPhone XR LOL

  • I'm gonna get a Nexus 5 or Oneplus One just so I could use this!

  • I agree with your views of transparency and a mobile operating system that respects the user's privacy and reminds them of their responsibility. However, as a developer myself with a fair amount of experience I still find it highly difficult with the current documentation of ubports to do a successful Port for a custom device. I agree with your volunteering by joining the communities. But the information available is too overwhelming to make a decision to invest time on ubports. The information varies from "oh yeah it's amazing" to "it's not worth it for it won't work with your device". Kindly don't be offended by my complaining rather I genuinely wish to participate but don't know how to begin. Oh yeah I have tried the halium docs and still on it. Why? Because it's the only documented way to know if I can Port ubports to a custom device. And only in the end you would know if it really works, which I think is a lot of time to invest (in days). I believe we need more learning resources to help the already technical population first. This can be videos, more friendlier forums. I mean there should be forums where you find it okay to ask questions without people rolling their eyeballs.

  • I think you have to change your notification bar something like an android . I don't say it's bad it's not eco-friendly to users.

  • The only thing left would be rebranding as to be able to sell devices with the OS. What about "Unitas" ? The Latin word for Oneness. Or maybe "Eins OS" or "Samhold OS" Both meaning oneness or unity. Something that will enable of selling of devices to help fund the development of the OS.

  • Thus far. The app draw is essentially the Dash from Unity 7 desktop, minus the lenses/scopes. So now there is a blank desktop on a phone that serves no purpose. The original design was superior. Having scopes from the jump you had things aggregated and ready to go, not just apps, but also content as well as online information. Scopes were amazing, still are. The idea of Scopes was so helpful that both Google & Apple have since implemented a scope like card on their Android & iOS devices and are still there to this day. The very thing that made Ubuntu Touch unique as well as presenting multiple sources of information at a glance as now gone. At least bring back the 5 main scopes, a new & improved implementation of them of course, and make it optional for what scopes people want to use. Add to that the lack of uniformity to app controls; some apps behave more like android apps, some maintain the original UI app controls, others still use a pie menu, while others put the controls up top. This is very haphazard and patch work. All controls and settings should all generally be in the same spot as Ubuntu intended. This brought a sense of uniformity and polish. Now it looks like someone just cobbled different pieces from different OSes together. The fact that you have an optional sprint launcher made by UBports gives the impression that they rather Ubuntu Touch work more like an Android phone. It can also be seen that many of the apps not only ignore guidelines when it comes to function but also in appearance. Even the icons look like a hot mess on many apps. They don't follow the app icon guidelines. Ubuntu touch was to generate interest in the average user. They want polish and a strong core of apps. Along with uniformity and consistency in function and design go a long way. Instead of a lot of apps…how about a strong core of polished apps? The only thing that should be upgraded is integrating Progressive Web Apps in place of the current SSB (site specific browser) web apps. Not sure how that would work but since Google, Mozilla, and others are pushing for PWAs, this maybe a good time to investogate that option. In any case Ubuntu Touch has gotten away from from it's initial course since leaving Canonical. There are a lot of apps that are half baked and many are junk. Ubuntu spent years perfecting it. UBports has since made changes to unravel that cohesive experience. A return to the original concept is best. That is what people fell in love with. If you compare what was (videos below) and what is now. You can see a massive difference in flow and fucntion. Please return to the original UI & app experience(scopes & controls). This may take some time. I really understand and appreciate effort to keep this project alive. This can't be easy. But if we can move back towards those key elements…Ubuntu Touch will only be the better for it. The only thing left would be rebranding as to be able to sell devices with the OS.
    Like Mark Shuttleworth said…this is what what was awesome.
    Ubuntu Touch Original
    Scopes Walkthrough

  • A tutorial should be great also for those who don’t know how to code or don’t have any idea of what ssh is or any other inside language

  • I wish I could join and help develop but I don’t have the knowledge, I wish to drop my iOS not because is bad but because I want something new and I like Linux projects and the open source community

  • can you send me for redmi note 4 please

  • Pleas port to surnia ive been waiting for more than a year and there is only a really early build

  • I would definitely buy Ubuntu phone if it get released.
    Since this is only available to limited devices, was searching for OnePlus 1 but i could buy that antique piece.

  • Canonical is owned by Amazon. Why should we trust Ubuntu?

  • Damn … I do not know who did the initial work on writting the text but Wayne did a pretty good job on the voice over. Congrats on this work guys. You really did a good job on this video 🙂

  • Como puedo instalar ubuntu touch en mi telefono , para que dispositivo es compatible?

  • Ubuntu Phone needs to stand out and the only way to do that is to be able to turn any phone into a full Ubuntu desktop otherwise the alternatives will always be better

  • Few issues:
    Lack of pure linux kernel+drivers
    UI of UT looks like ios5
    Porting involve huge effort to get full functionality
    Halium supports only up to Android 7.1
    Lack of normal apps(webapps are bad deal with it)

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