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VMWare Workstation Pro Causing BSOD on Windows 10

How to VMWare Workstation Pro 14,15 Causing BSOD on Windows 10.
I had a problem with VMWare Workstation Pro causing a blue screen of death on a Windows 10 x64 host. The BSOD occurs during the boot or resume process after the system sleep mode.
The blue screen appears on Vmware Pro 14 and Vmware Pro 15.
If the BSOD occurs with enough free RAM, you need to update your Vmware or perhaps upgrade.
to upgrade vmware :


by linux-syr

windows server dhcp

20 thoughts on “VMWare Workstation Pro Causing BSOD on Windows 10

  • The blue screen pops up when copying files. I solved it by changing NVME emulation (default) to Sata.

  • That helped a lot thanks!

  • I wonder why older versions of VMware are not compatible with newer operating systems

  • Hi friend, I'll tell you, I have vmware 12 and it always worked fine until recently when I had to format and reinstall windows 10pro 64 bits and I had the following problem when connecting a flash drive or hard drive to read it in my virtual windows, the blue screen appears with the message PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA and it reboots…I don't know what can be tried and tried almost everything, please help me

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