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Warframe is exposing your IP address

This video shares an issue I found while following up some concerns that i learned right here on youtube. This is just another layer of the ice berg i feel and it was more than enough to make me speak about it. Big thanks to ifvta for his excellent video that sent my friends and I down this rabbit hole.

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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

28 thoughts on “Warframe is exposing your IP address

  • they now where I live? Damn I play on english servers and live in Italy, also I use a console, so I guess I'm kinda safe.
    I also have a VPN and alarms in my house so good luck getting in without the alarm going ballistic

  • Nobody cares. Nobody does anything with anyone's IP on a fking videogame unless they're completely unhinged. This is nothing.

  • While bad, most internet service providers use dynamic ip4s. Meaning your ip adress will change, the frequency differs from ISP to ISP. This gives a bit of protection as a player cant say, hit you with ddos attack the following day for an example.

  • Everything you just said doesn't matter because your info is already everywhere out there, so why worry about.

  • As a sad victim of DDoSsing in the last few weeks I very much hope this issue gets resolved.

  • I don't see what's so bad about this. Whenever i'm playing WF, i highly doubt someone's keeping an eye on my location. If they are, so what? To me this only sounds like paranoia

  • Dropped a like and commenting for the algorithm, I am working on a video with various creators on related topics regarding Zendesk, EULA and such, so I will do my best to signal boost when I can

  • Man's semi-quitting Warframe because it does something that every Peer to Peer system does? Or probably any Multiplayer game/software with access to the internet. Your IP gets leaked? Cool, someone knows the country you live in now. Reset your router, or change it through your device's settings if it bothers you that much.

    The only thing I would be even the slightest bit worried about is EE.logs potentially harming your drives by constantly writing data on it… if it wasn't for the fact that every game does that.

    Going through this comment, I can already see that it seems like a pretty rude one, so apologies for that, but I do think that it is way too big of an overreaction to quit Warframe over such a mundane thing.

  • will setting your game to solo, so you don't join any random parties, prevent you from the danger? and if yes/no, why?

  • BREAKING: warframe players discover peer to peer networking, more news at 2

  • its DE, even if they said it's fine to use a VPN they'll still ban you cause they can

  • I think your video finally hit the algorithm cause I’m just a hour I’ve seen this video double in views. People need to know about this shit gta was like this for years and it’s unacceptable to put your player base in potential harms way

  • Thank you for making this public. its about time DE starts being held accountable for how horrible they treat us players.

  • this MIGHT not be as bad as it seems if it leaks only your IPV4 that’ll be very hard to track to your actual location, if it leaks your IPV6 this can be a problem. utilising a VPN or just playing solo is a good choice right now with this info now public

  • In the age of personal data collection, i think your ip address is the least of your concerns.

  • It took rockstar like 10 years of big youtubers getting fucked to finally find a way to not leak everyone's IP.
    So I'm not hopeful something this basic is going to happen soon anywhere else.

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