22 thoughts on “WiFi Hacking Linux Phone? #shorts

  • Io lo sto facendo con una app che mi carica solo il terminale Kali , da lì sto installando tutti i tools, ma il mio telefono è incompatibile con Kali nethunter…. Per dopo tanti ostacoli messi dallo sviluppatore, sono riuscito ad installare tools e avere tutti i permessi che prima erano negati. Sei veramente in gamba e ti seguo perché sai il fatto tuo!!!!

  • Good luck cracking passwords on a cell phone. You’ll be there for a few hours.

  • I have vm on android why cant i use wifite? Been trying for weeks. Bit frustrating. Its a galaxy s22. Like why cant it run it?!?

  • Cannot connect to internet network, maybe you would make tutorial how to install kernel modules to Ubuntu when you don't have internet access

  • Imagine when he finds out that android runs on top of Linux?

  • scary. I hope people are looking at this and understand what you are displaying. If they don't, then i think you need to explicitly tell people that , a person outside of the home, walking on the sidewalk or parked in a car, with such device can attach any wifi network and after getting the password can have access to home's network. So if anyone sees someone outside their house, which is suspicious, then there is a possibility of having your network attacked. Be aware!!!!

  • Where can I buy such a phone? I'm seriously interested to buy one

  • The blured text can possably be unblured, especially if its actual words, a solid block infront is way more secure

  • literally every phone run linux, android is a linux distro

  • Still waiting for the video on how to get wifi passwords and how to attack wifi networks. Have you made it yet? Please make those videos for me. I want to learn how. Thank you

  • I prefer hoping that WPS is enabled (most of the time it is) and using Reaver or Wifite Pixie dust for password, it's better since it works even if the password is super long and random.

  • I want to hack the particular router's username and password.

    It connected with wifi network.
    Without lan.

    Can you help me in windows10 ?

  • Can this connect to a keyboard? I don't have the tiny raccoon hands necessary for a Linux phone

  • wordlist-probable.txt>
    – God
    – Admin
    – Spiderman
    – Spoderman
    – Superman
    – Adminadmin

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