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Windows 10: Assign static IP address

Windows 10 steps to set a static IP address in four different ways.
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⏯ This video walks you through the steps to assign a static IP address on Windows 10 using commands, such as “netsh” in Command Prompt and “New-NetIPAddress” in PowerShell. Also, this video walks you through the steps to configure a static TCP/IP with Contro Panel and Settings app.

Table of contents:
00:00 Intro
01:01 Set static IP w/Windows 10 commands
05:10 Set static IP w/Control Panel
07:35 Set static IP w/Windows 10 PowerShell
11:20 Set static IP w/Settings app
14:15 Closing


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

14 thoughts on “Windows 10: Assign static IP address

  • why dont i have default gateway or dns servers?

  • hi dear mate i using windows 10 and windows crash than i can see my computer name but cant see IP configuration file. How can i see ip adress file

  • Hi.
    Am i making up the static IP address, or does it come from my modem?

  • i have my laptop connected to the DSL router by wifi, and another pc connected to a switch bt cable and the switch is connected to the router by cable also,
    in my pc firewall settings i made exception for my laptop ip in order to access file shared to my laptop,
    the problem is that when i set static ip in my laptop( because the automatic ip keeps changing every other day and i'm tired adjusting allowable ip addresses in my firewall settings) , immediatly file sharing will stop working in my laptop even though internet access is working. what could be the problem please

  • QUESTION: what is IPv4 address ? How is it different from Gateway address? Is it my PC's IP ?

  • Splendid😍!!! Get to the top quicker > P R O M O S M!!

  • Bro i have a problem with network on my pc, where can i reach u?

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