🎉Reset forgotten Windows PIN,Password & Microsoft account using Command Prompt/Without programs/2024
✅This is a fairly simple way, Without Programs, to bypass the PIN and password of your Microsoft account and local account and not lose your personal files.
All actions in Windows 11.10 and Windows 8.1 are the same.
Do not worry, look carefully, repeat exactly after me, step by step, and we will succeed!
➡️Commands in cmd:
1. regedit – Enter
2. net user – Enter
3. net user (you write your name here) (enter a password for the new account) /add – Enter
4. net localgroup Administrators (you write your name here, and I will write my name) /add – Enter
5. exit – Enter
👉How to change your local account name:
➡️1.It works in Windows 11, Windows 10 and Windows 8.1
➡️2.All data will be completely saved.
➡️3.The whole process takes 5 minutes.
Have a good day🙂💕
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