I Bought 2 Macbook Pros For $20! Do They Work?

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I purchased two 15″ Apple Macbook Pros for only $20 off of Facebook Marketplace. Do they work? Let’s find out, give them a clean and restore them! #cheap #macbook #opera

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Macbook specifications (before upgrades):
A1150 Core Duo 2GHz (T2500)
1GB DDR2 667MHz Ram
ATI Radeon X1600 256MB Discrete GPU
100GB 7,200RPM Serial ATA Drive
15.4″ 1440×900 Widescreen Display

A1211 Core 2 Duo 2.16GHz Late 2006 (T7400)
3GB DDR2 667MHz Ram
ATI Radeon X1600 128MB Discrete GPU
120GB 5,400RPM Serial ATA Drive
15.4″ 1440×900 Widescreen Display


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28 thoughts on “I Bought 2 Macbook Pros For $20! Do They Work?

  • Snow Leopard was my fave OS for those early intel macs.

  • you never bought a laptop that's broken. for example i have some with broken motherboard could you fix them?

  • you can still use them normaly today you can even put windows 7 on it and i use windows 7 and it's good

  • It's also mind boggling the Intel Core i7 is 15 years old, originally released as a 1366 CPU.

  • I've had a 2008 15' non unibody since new, got solid use out of it for a decade or so, it was a Starlight Foundation gift to me when I was younger and was hospitalised long-term with a chronic illness. That Mac got me through some tough times, that's for sure.

  • So jealous of the deals you guys get
    In Mexico they ask close to $200 USD for a single one of these lmfao

  • i have the 2006 higher spec model working without the battery

  • 4GB of ram…….😂
    The ONLY reason my 2016 dual core thinkpad is still viable in 2023 is because i installed 16GB.

  • I also have this mac atm just got it for 1500 php
    Just needs tlc

  • I recently procured a 2009 iMac 27" and a 2012 Mac Mini to add to my growing Apple hoard. I got the special toolkit and have been enjoying upgrading them and putting them into productive use. They're not easy to work on but there's still a lot we can do with them. I got a Powerbook G4 with 10.2 jaguar on it. Can't wait to get to work on that one. They're just neat.

  • That thing deserves Linux lite. It's still a formidable machine in 2023

  • would be nice to see if the macbook 1,1 behaves like the mac mini 1,1 in wich ,if you swap the processor for a core 2 duo you can use 4 gigs of ram and a 64 bit os

  • Wow, that looks much more repairable than the MacBook I have! That disc drive also looks very clean. I love it!

  • interesting to see the a400 not work. in theory all sata drive generations are forwards and backwards cmpatible. which means you can put a sata i drive in a sata iii computer. or a sata iii drive in a sata i computer.

  • I had one of these a few years ago, all apps started having question marks and just became unusable. Even when usable couldn’t really do much with it.

  • Would have been interesting to see Linux running on this just to see what it was like.

  • I still have an A1226. It works flawlessly with 4GB RAM,and OSX El Capitan on an SSD. It still runs Youtube quite well.

  • You bought two door stops, Apple garbage…. Worthless on release

  • I kept around one of those that I found in the dumpster, it was a late 2008 w/ the middle-tier CPU and 6GB of memory, and at one time I had it running patched Catalina. As long as you’re not trying to run the Notes app (w/ notes sync-ed from an iPad), everything else runs fine. I was super proud of it running Minecraft 1.14 at 30fps. They feel like a relic compared to the Unibody direction Apple went with

  • Would you be interested in a "damaged" AORUS 15P WB?

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