NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSWindows serverwindows server dhcp

What is the difference between ARP binding and DHCP address reservation? (2 Solutions!!)

What is the difference between ARP binding and DHCP address reservation?

The Question: In my TL-WR1043ND I have these functionalities and both of them pair an IP
address to a MAC address. What is the difference?
I read that ARP is for security reasons, others say it is for Wake-on-LAN. I
also read there is no difference, but in that case, why do we have both?

Solutions: Please watch the whole video to see all solutions, in order of how many people found them helpful

== This solution helped 4 people ==
In some networks, there are some hosts that need to have fixed IPs addresses,
say for example : a server, printer… etc which will facilitate the access to
them for users and applications, and in order for your network to use the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) which attribute IPS to hosts) and
for those fixed hosts to use a fixed IP, there is this option of “MAC to IP” in
your router which reserves those IPs and never give them to other hosts whom
they will have different IPs over time.
ARP is : Address Resolution protocol, it is used to get the MAC address from an
IP address and is mostly used in Local Area Networks (LAN), and is known to be
used by attackers to redirect network traffic as in the Man-in-the-Middle
The Wake-on-LAN depends on the MAC address to function because when a PC is off
and WOL is enabled, the only access to it is thought its MAC address.

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by Roel Van de Paar

windows server dhcp vlan

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